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Chrissy | 19 | Brisbane


I am an avid-reader. Always has a book with me everywhere I go.

I am a music lover. I listen to anything 70s/80s/90s. With the likes of Simply Red, Bad Company, Michael Jackson, and many more.


Insurgent (Divergent)

Insurgent  - Veronica Roth THE END. OMG.
Divergent  - Veronica Roth Enjoyed this book far too much.
Four: The Transfer: A Divergent Story - Veronica Roth CAN I HAVE SOME MORE OF FOUR?? Great short snippet into his story!
Every Day - David Levithan Review coming soon - loved this book!

The Prince: A Selection Novella

The Prince - Kiera Cass An amazing light heart-warming read before we read The Elite!!!

The Power of Six (Lorien Legacies)

The Power of Six (Lorien Legacies, Book 2) - Pittacus Lore The Power of Six starts where I am Number Four left off with John Smith, Sam Goode and Number Six, being on the run from the police, and of course The Mogs.I actually give this book a 3.5 star rating (but I'll be nice and give it 4 stars on goodreads). I read a lot of people's reviews about this book before reading it myself. A lot of you said it was amazing, good, etc. Well to be honest, this book was rather disappointing.Firstly, from the start to about 150 pages in was somewhat slow but a lengthy start to where we finally see some real action. I've honestly NEVER read a book that has gone beyond 100 pages to interest the reader and digest into the story. Every time I picked up the book and after reading 5-10 pages I found myself yawning and just almost giving up on the book altogether. But, I didn't give up, I prayed it would get better. And it did.Secondly, We get introduced to Number Seven. I think it was mostly her story that what made it a slow start to the book because we don't see any real insight into her legacies, her interaction with her Cepan (who by the way, is in my opinion, was a ignorant b***h who left 7 to defend for herself) during the 100-or so pages. But we do see her develop one about halfway of the book. Through her story we also meet Ella, who I found to be more likeable than Seven, aswell as her friend Hector, who we also meet. One thing I can guarantee you is Ella's background story at the end is AMAZING. It will shock you I promise.John, Sam and Six have good dialogue and interaction throughout the story but there were things that the author put in there that were very confusing and didn't explain very well. All they had was one person say "Whoa, do you know what that was?" only for another to say "No idea", "Maybe". Like guys, I know investigative skills somewhat adds a bit of mystery to the books but what's more annoying is that mystery is NEVER SOLVED and how my thoughts are the same as the characters. For example, When John opens his Chest and him and Sam asks Six over and over what the things contain inside. There were like 6 or 7 things Six didn't know and only 3 or 4 of them were solved at the end and about two-thirds throughout the book. What about the others?! Honestly, It would have been nice if we could have learnt more about the contents in the Chest. Before anybody comments to object about Six's chest, we do learn that she never got to open hers but I cannot remember why. We also meet another Number, and "It" (not spoiling you with their sex or number) is rather a cheeky smart-arse and looking forward to reading more about them in Rise of Nine!Would I recommend this book? Sure, I would. But with caution because of the slow start :)
Incarnate - Jodi Meadows This is more like 3.5/4 stars.For starters, I was really disappointed with this book. Meadow's writing throughout this book was flair and easy. A lot like Stephanie Meyer's. The storyline itself was good - how souls got reincarnated every time they die - but Meadows added more twists to it like Dragons and Sylph, and honestly I started yawning about one quarter in.Ana - a nosoul/newsoul (people kept changing their minds about this) on her 18th birthday, leaves her home in Range (frankly, the worst name for a town) and Li - her evil mum (and not kidding, she was EVIL!) to reach the town's city - Heart (Another bad name for a place. Just saying). Along the journey she meets Sam ("Dossam" - clever, but honestly Meadows, be more creative next time - I figured it out as soon as they started talking about his music).The more I write about this book, I'm tempted to bring this down to 2 stars. But honestly, I felt like I had to drag myself through this book.If you're looking for a good read, this is NOT the book. But if you're a 13 year old and like the whole girl-meets-boy, girl-and-boy-flirt-until-an-event-happens-and-they-kiss, this is your type of book.Would I read Asunder? Maybe. We'll see. But only if it comes under $5. Not paying any more than that.
The Vincent Boys  - Abbi Glines RECOMMENDED READ!
Skin Deep - Laura Jarratt Hands down - Best Debut of 2012!

The Selection

The Selection - Interesting Read... More to come.

Burn for Burn

Burn for Burn - Jenny Han, Siobhan Vivian This book took me by surprise. I'm glad I read it because there was so much drama, suspense and it just kept me hooked. This was the first book I've read by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivan. I've been meaning to read Han's "Pretty" series - and I'm actually more keen to read them now than before reading Burn for Burn!The story is directed in 3 character's POV's. Kat. Lilla. And Mary. All have strikingly different but connected friendships. More to come.

Take Me There

Take Me There - Carolee Dean 30.10.12Take Me There by Carolee Dean was a okay book. The way Dean let the story unfold was quite amazing (It wasn’t like most books were you know all the drama happens somewhat towards the end – this was different). However there were times when I wanted to give up on the book because it was giving me headaches due to the fact that the main characters were annoying.The story follows Dylan (Jr.) Dawson and his friend Wade in between chapters back and forth to the past and present but it all comes together in the end. Dylan’s father (Dylan Dawson Sr.) is in jail for a crime that was committed when Dylan was six years old. The way Dylan was portrayed throughout the book as illiterate was irritating because there would be times in the book where he would write in his journal (where the English was bad) and made excuses as to why he couldn’t read and lied to those around him. Wade wasn’t too bad but wanted to punch him at times. Wade and Dylan were in jail too for crimes which the gang they were part of asked them to do and did 18 months’ time. Throughout the book, they were on probation and working for one of the police officers at a mechanic/car lot. Wade kept violating the probation terms such as smoking weed, drinking etc. but he especially wanted to go back into the gang for “protection”. This is what wanted me to punch him because clearly, he wasn’t learning from past mistakes, which I, myself, learn from by accidently doing once. Other characters like Dylan’s mum, uncle, dad, the gang and crush, Jess, were all people I could relate to more than either Dylan or Wade. It’s safe to say I’m still making my mind up on this book but I’d give it 3.5/4 stars, but definitely wouldn’t wholeheartedly recommend it to others as there are definitely better books than this one out there. While this book may have been excruciating to read, I’m actually looking forward to Dean’s next book, Forget Me Not, to see if she has improved in terms of connecting to characters, storyline, and writing style.
Under the Never Sky - Veronica Rossi This story follows 2 characters in their respective POV’s. Aria is a Dweller and she wears a eyepiece that allows her to escape to the Realms (like a virtual world in a game) through this device while being trapped in her Pod (a city protected with walls) from the Outsiders – that’s Perry (“Peregrine”), brother of a Blood Lord of the Tides (a Village). Perry is a Scire – allows him to sense other people’s tempers but not his own or family’s (moods) – and a Seer (clear night vision). They help each other when Aria’s mother goes missing in Bliss (another Pod) and Perry’s nephew, Talon, is abducted. This was my first Dystopian novel I had read and I absolutely loved it. Fans of The Hunger Games, Games of Thrones and a virtual game like Motherlode and World of Warcraft will enjoy this (not too sure about these games though I’ve never played them but upon researching this, this is what came up). I must warn you though, at first, this story is quite confusing because the author doesn’t define what Pods, Realms and Aether Storms (Like Aura’s in Antarctica but like a typical cloud/storm in the sky). Rossi didn’t explain these very well, which I should have knocked a star off for. But I found if you read this book with an open mind, you will extremely enjoy it and the way it ends is so sweet! So that’s why I didn’t.I am eagerly waiting for the sequel, Through The Never Sky, which releases on 8th January 2013!

Clockwork Prince (Infernal Devices)

Clockwork Prince (Infernal Devices) - Cassandra Clare Despite myself reading this book incredibly late - and taking 3 weeks to read because of my busy schedule - I kept finding myself picking up this book in any way possible! And it's not often that we find a good book that have us yearn for that feeling - to know more, want more.I think The Clockwork Prince is Clare's best work to date, and probably my favorite so far. Clockwork Prince definitely was worth the wait between the release of the Clockwork Angel and when this book released back in November 2011. And for me, worth waiting for a good time to read it!The characters developed in this story have all stepped up one level of maturity - except one, and I was really shocked at how this character's story was emerging and developing to something really scandalous! Not only that - romance. You could get a sense of a love triangle happening in Clockwork Angel, but the sequel definitely has much more focus on it - which I loved. One other thing, Clare would switch the POV among the characters, I feel the need to say this - but It was very beautifully crafted especially with Sophie. I would recommend this book in a heart beat to anybody, but would also tell them they need to obviously need to read the first book in order to enjoy this one. Bring on Clockwork Princess, Clare!


Adorkable - Sarra Manning Actually 4.5 stars. This book was so weird in so many ways but I kept finding myself picking the book up!
The Fault in Our Stars - John Green Review coming. Simply one of the best books I've read this year!